A petition to:

We the undersigned, call on all those involved in the prosecution and judgement of Drazen Erdemovic, to do their utmost to rectify the travesty of justice that has allowed him to walk free in three years time.

We further call on the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia to ensure that justice is served at all times, in accordance with universally accepted forms of justice. For every criminal guilty of crimes against humanity, there should be life imprisonment. In other words, throw away the key.

The current actions of ICTY in the Erdemovic case, shows a complete disregard for internationally accepted standards of justice. By such actions ICTY exposes itself as yet another impartial extension of a system. By allowing the very few of the many who are guilty of heinous acts to almost walk free, ICTY is creating an atmosphere that promotes genocide.

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Sign the petition now

In the subject box of your e-mail, please write KEY. Please send us your name, e-mail and the country you are writing from. Please also add the name of your organisation if you are writing as a representative. You may also send us other contact information and a message if you wish, that will not to be added to the petition.

Names will be updated from April 6, 1998 onwards.

IHRC Homepage:
THROW AWAY THE KEY! War Crimes Watch statement:

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